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Emerging Trends in Educational Technology: What to Expect in 2024

Explore emerging trends in ed tech that are reshaping teaching and learning in exciting ways
By Asmi Banjara
February 19, 2024

Education has seen a rapid technological transformation in recent years. These emerging trends have made education more accessible, interactive, and engaging for students and teachers. As we move towards hybrid and online learning, it is important to stay updated on the latest trends in the edtech industry. In this article, we will explore the emerging educational technology trends expected to shape education's future in the coming years.


The edtech industry has emerged as a game-changer in the field of education. With the integration of technology into the learning process, students have access to a wide range of resources and tools that enhance their learning experience. From gamification to virtual reality, edtech has revolutionized the way education is being delivered.

As we look ahead to 2024, it is clear that edtech industry trends will continue to evolve and shape the future of education. Top edtech companies like Kahoot, Duolingo, and Coursera, for example, have already made strides in the past years, and more are following suit. Join us as we look at the most recent trends in educational technology.

20 latest ed tech trends in 2024

In the coming years, we can expect to see even more innovative technologies and approaches in education that are set to transform the way we learn and teach. Let's take a closer look at some of the top trends in the edtech industry in 2024.


Education Wearables

The tracking of students’ progress is digitized more than ever, thanks to wearable technology. These wearables, ranging from smartwatches to AR (augmented reality) glasses, will help provide real-time feedback and enhance interactions between teachers and their students. These devices are poised to change how students engage with educational content and how educators monitor their students’ progress. However, affordability and comfort will remain key considerations when it comes to widespread adoption - a challenge that EdTech innovators must address in 2024.



At the intersection between pedagogy and neuroscience lies neuroeducation. Neuroeducation makes use of insights from brain science in order to enhance teaching methods and styles. With artificial intelligence and data analytics, educators can personalize learning journeys, catering to each unique student's individual needs and preferences. Staying informed about the latest scientific findings and translating them into effective strategies are essential for learning.


Alternative Credentials

Traditional barriers to higher education are being challenged by the rise of alternative credentials such as skill-based learning and micro-credentials. These credentials offer students flexible pathways to acquiring job-specific certifications, bypassing the high costs and student debts associated with traditional higher education. As major enterprises increasingly recognize and value alternative credentials, institutions, and organizations must strategically prioritize their integration to remain competitive in the job market.


Everything In Google

Google’s presence in the education sector continues to grow, with Chromebooks becoming the standard student-learning device and G-suite for Education revolutionizing classroom collaboration and productivity. The affordability and user-friendly nature of Google’s tools have made them extremely important assets for educators and students alike in schools around the globe.


Bigger EdTech Investments Coming

The education technology industry has been experiencing massive growth, with global venture capital investments surpassing $10 billion in 2020 alone, since the pandemic forced educators, students, and innovators to find new ways to make online teaching effective. The rise in investments reflects the growing demand for new educational solutions and shows the significant role that tech plays in shaping the future of education. With billions more expected to be invested in the coming years, EdTech is poised to drive transformative changes in teaching and learning.


Unconventional Platforms for Online Learning

Can you really learn something new on TikTok? Absolutely. Education Technology is expanding beyond traditional online learning platforms, with platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Audible, Instagram, and others emerging as possible options for educational content delivery. As digital natives gravitate towards these unconventional platforms for learning, EdTech creators are increasingly exploring new avenues to engage with their audience and deliver educational content in fun, new ways.


Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is one of the latest trends in educational technology. It has brought about numerous benefits to the edtech industry, enhancing collaboration, accessibility, and scalability both for educators and learners. With the cloud, educational institutions can store and manage vast amounts of data securely, making it easier to organize and retrieve information.

Tools such as Google Classroom and Microsoft 365 Education have paved the path for cloud computing. These cloud-based platforms enable teachers to create, manage, and distribute assignments to students online. It provides a collaborative environment for both promoting communication and online learning.

The adoption of cloud technology in edtech has also paved the way for the development of virtual classrooms and remote learning solutions. Platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams have become vital tools for online learning, enabling real-time video conferencing, screen sharing, and interactive discussions. The role of cloud computing in edtech is likely to expand further, offering even more innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of students and educators.


Nano Learning

The edtech trend of nano-learning has gained attention as an effective approach to learning that fits into today's learners' busy schedules and short attention spans. Nano-learning involves delivering short, concise bursts of information that can be easily understood. Modules are designed to address specific learning objectives and can be accessed anywhere, no matter time and location, making it ideal for on-the-go learners.

This trend aims to maximize learning retention and engagement by breaking down complex topics into digestible and focused learning units. Nano-learning is seen as the future of learning as it offers several advantages over traditionally lengthy courses, such as allowing flexibility and personalization that enables learners to access relevant content whenever they need it.

Nano-learning can be integrated into learning strategies through various tools and technologies. Learning management systems (LMS) such as Docebo and TalentLMS provide platforms for delivering modules and tracking learner progress. Besides this, mobile learning apps like Duolingo and Quizlet enable learners to engage in nano-learning on their smartphones. It includes features like reminders through push notifications and rewards for everyday short sessions, making it accessible on the go.


Personalized Learning

Personalized learning focuses on tailoring the learning experience to each student's individual needs and interests. Educators can create a more engaging and effective learning environment by providing individualized learning plans. This approach recognizes that each student learns uniquely and at their own pace, providing a more student-centric approach to education.

Digital personalized learning emphasizes the potential of technology to bridge educational gaps and improve access to quality education worldwide. Technology plays a crucial role in facilitating personalized learning by providing adaptive learning platforms, tutoring systems, and data analytics tools in virtual classroom settings. These tools enable educators to collect and analyze student data to identify areas of strength and weakness, and then deliver targeted content and interventions.

10. Artificial and Human Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the education industry by enabling edtech tools such as personalized learning, providing innovative materials, and offering access to intelligent tutoring systems. AI-powered tools such as adaptive learning platforms, intelligent tutoring systems, and virtual assistants play a significant role in education.

AI technologies can also automate tasks such as paper grading, allowing educators to focus on other crucial aspects of the learning process. It can also generate interactive teaching materials and provide feedback on students' assignments. However, it is important to ensure that AI is human-centered. A combination of instructor input and AI can contribute to student support services, administrative efficiency, and analytics.


Artificial and Human Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the education industry by enabling edtech tools such as personalized learning, providing innovative materials, and offering access to intelligent tutoring systems. AI-powered tools such as adaptive learning platforms, intelligent tutoring systems, and virtual assistants play a significant role in education.

AI technologies can also automate tasks such as paper grading, allowing educators to focus on other crucial aspects of the learning process. It can also generate interactive teaching materials and provide feedback on students' assignments. However, it is important to ensure that AI is human-centered. A combination of instructor input and AI can contribute to student support services, administrative efficiency, and analytics.


Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are technologies that have significantly impacted the education industry. These technologies can provide immersive and interactive learning experiences, allowing students to explore virtual environments and engage with content in a new way. VR and AR have applications in various subjects, including STEM, medical simulations, arts and humanities, and technical education.

Tools such as Quiver, Labster, and Anatomyou are platforms that enable students to visualize abstract concepts and practice real-life scenarios in a virtual environment, such as interactive laboratories, virtual field trips, and immersive anatomy. To support this trend, startups are developing tools such as AR apps, VR learning platforms, and content creation software, making them more accessible and integrated into the education sector.



Gamification has gained significant traction in recent years. It incorporates game elements into the learning process, making education more engaging for students. According to studies, gamified learning is more effective and motivating than traditional classroom methods. By adding video game mechanics and features such as teamwork, leaderboards, rewards, and badges to the learning process, students are encouraged to meet their academic objectives. Gamification taps into intrinsic motivators such as competition, achievement, and progression in an engaging and entertaining way. Besides this, it also creates a dynamic platform in which individual student needs and preferences can be prioritized.

The global gamification market was $6.33 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach $37 billion by 2027. Various tools and technologies have contributed to the gamification trend in edtech. These include game-based learning platforms like Kahoot, Sololearn, and Classcraft, which enable educators to create interactive quizzes, gamified study materials, and immersive classroom experiences.



M-learning stands for mobile learning in educational technology and has changed how we learn and access educational content. Mobile learning has become a must-have component of edtech, providing learners with the flexibility to access educational resources. Mobile learning allows students to engage in self-paced learning, access multimedia content, and participate in interactive activities through their smartphones or tablets.

The rise of mobile learning has also given rise to the development of educational apps tailored to specific subjects and skills. The integration of mobile learning in edtech is transforming the educational landscape by leveraging the ubiquity of mobile devices to provide learners with access to educational content on the go. Tools like Moodle Mobile, Khan Academy, Memrise, and Typeform are making learning more interactive, personalized, and convenient. As mobile technology advances, we can expect further innovations in mobile learning that will continue to enhance the learning experience and make education more accessible and inclusive for all.


Data Analytics

Data analytics has the potential to greatly enhance the education sector by analyzing vast amounts of data to gain insights into student behavior and tailor individualized programs to meet their needs. Big data can also help evaluate the effectiveness of teaching methods and identify areas for improvement. Tools such as learning management systems with built-in analytics, data visualization tools, and predictive modeling software are increasingly being used in institutional settings.

Collection and analysis of large-scale educational data can uncover patterns, identify trends, and inform decision-making processes. Harnessing the power of big data, educators and administrators can make data-driven decisions and implement evidence-based practices to enhance teaching and learning.

As online tools and software-based learning continue to grow, the amount of data available in education is increasing.



Blockchain technology has the potential to impact education by providing secure storage for academic credentials and digital course materials. Through blockchain, students can manage their achievements and share them securely whenever needed. It can help form lifelong learner records, enabling individuals to maintain a comprehensive and secure record of their educational achievements throughout their lives.

Aside from this, blockchain can facilitate the creation of micro-credentials, allowing students to demonstrate specific skills and competencies to employers and other educational institutions. Tools such as blockchain-based credentialing platforms, smart contracts, and digital wallets are increasingly used in educational settings. Universities can also utilize blockchain to securely store and distribute course materials and syllabuses.

While the adoption of blockchain in education is still in its early stages, it is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. Leveraging blockchain means the education sector is advancing towards more secure, efficient, and learner-centric systems.


STEAM-Based Programs

STEAM-based programs integrate science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics into one program, which has gained popularity in recent years. This approach aims to garner creativity and innovation in students, preparing them for the ever-changing and fast-paced world.

Edtech tools play a crucial role in facilitating cross-curricular activities by providing interactive platforms, coding resources, multimedia content creation tools, and virtual reality applications. It helps students develop digital literacy skills and prepares them for future careers in STEAM fields. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, STEAM-related employment is expected to grow significantly, highlighting the importance of a STEAM-based curriculum.

This approach not only teaches students the subjects but also equips them with the skills to think critically, ask questions, and innovate. As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for integrating edtech tools into cross-curricular activities in the classroom are expanding, creating more dynamic and engaging learning environments.


Hybrid and Blended Learning

The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of distance learning and hybrid learning models. Distance learning relies on online platforms, allowing students to participate in courses remotely. Hybrid learning, on the other hand, combines face-to-face and online education, providing flexibility and organization. Hybrid and blended learning calls to transform traditional education approaches to embrace digital tools and resources.

This trend involves leveraging technology to enhance teaching and learning experiences, promoting digital literacy, and preparing students for the skills required in the modern digital era. Hybrid learning and blended learning are two approaches that combine online and offline elements to create flexible and personalized learning environments. Tools such as learning management systems, online collaboration platforms, video conferencing software, and digital content creation tools play a crucial role in supporting this trend.

These models have made education more accessible, especially during times of crisis. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see further advancements in distance and hybrid learning.


K-12 Online Education

The digital revolution has paved the way for new approaches to primary and secondary education. The K-12 education system, typically found in the United States and Canada, focuses on increased teacher-student contact. With the help of technology, students can access a wealth of resources and engage in interactive learning experiences.

Companies such as the Minerva Project, Outschool, and Hurix have started providing K-12 education by employing technological tools. The integration of digital tools and platforms into traditional classrooms can enhance teaching and learning experiences. These tools support blended learning models, facilitate remote and distance learning, and enable personalized instruction. The number of public and private K-12 schools is increasing, highlighting the demand for digital education. This approach aims to provide a more personalized and effective learning experience for students.


Subscription Model

Subscription-based models have become increasingly popular. These platforms offer recorded sessions and lectures by paying a monthly or annual fee, allowing students to access the content at their convenience. Learners gain access to a wide range of courses and study materials. The subscription-based model provides flexibility and accessibility, making education more affordable and convenient for learners.

This model benefits learners and edtech companies, as it provides cost-effective access to a wide range of learning materials. It enables companies to establish a predictable revenue stream while learners can access educational resources anytime and anywhere, as long as their subscription is active. It also provides a wide variety of learning options, allowing learners to explore topics and disciplines within a single subscription.

The model often includes personalized learning features such as progress tracking, enabling learners to track their growth and receive tailored recommendations. Platforms and learning applications such as Coursera and Masterclass also credit verified and recognized certificates to learners.


Online Language Learning

The integration of translation technology in edtech is another emerging trend that aims to bridge the language barrier in online education. With the rise of remote learning, the popularity of online language-learning platforms has been crucial in helping learners access educational resources for new languages.

Platforms like Duolingo and Google Translate are popular language-learning platforms that offer a quick and easy way to learn a new language. Newer platforms utilize gamification techniques and adaptive learning to engage users and help them learn new languages effectively. The integration of translation technology in edtech also benefits educators by providing them with tools to enhance language instruction. Tools like Flipgrid, a video discussion platform, allow students to practice their language skills through recorded video responses. As this trend continues to evolve, we can expect further advancements in translation technology that will continue to enhance language learning and teaching in the edtech landscape.


As we move into 2024, educational technology trends are poised to bring significant transformations in the field of education. Educational technology trends such as gamification, personalized learning, and STEAM-based programs are reshaping the way we learn and teach. By utilizing these technologies, educators can create more engaging and effective learning experiences.

These trends are preparing students for the challenges of the future and making education more flexible and accessible than ever before. As we embrace these emerging trends in educational technology, education will continue to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of learners in the digital age.

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